gold chain

美 [ɡoʊld tʃeɪn]英 [ɡəʊld tʃeɪn]
  • 金链子
gold chaingold chain
  1. She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck .


  2. His open shirt revealed a fat gold chain


  3. She was wearing a thin gold chain .


  4. She wore a gold chain round her neck .


  5. Even though I didn 't have a gold chain .


  6. " Look what I found ," he said , holding up the gold chain .


  7. Is a gold chain gonna help you graduate ?


  8. Is a gold chain gonna get rid of my gout ?


  9. A gold chain round her neck so fair ;


  10. The gold chain was a Christmas gift from her aunt .


  11. Bill wears a gold chain around his neck .


  12. A big , shiny gold chain !


  13. Would you like to have a look at the gold chain and silver anklet here ?


  14. Unfortunately his feet were entangled in the gold chain and he drowned .


  15. Suddenly , I saw a gold chain lying on the sidewalk in front of me .


  16. The jester took the gold chain to Princess Lenore .


  17. Then she searched the shops for a gold chain worthy of Jims watch .


  18. He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat , but there seemed to be no end to it .


  19. The woman selected a gold chain worth about five louis , and the husband a pair of buckles . worth perhaps fifteen francs .


  20. He excitedly pulled hard at it , and what he saw made him exclaim , Wow ! A big , shiny gold chain !


  21. The boat was finally submerged and he struggled to stay afloat . Unfortunately his feet were entangled in the gold chain and he drowned .


  22. He excitedly pulled hard at it , and what he saw made him exclaim , " Wow ! A big , shiny gold chain ! "


  23. A simple Bulgari gold chain necklace went for $ 25000 - five times its estimate - at a sale in April held at Sotheby 's New York .


  24. William had wanted to buy her a gold chain too , but the purchase had been beyond his means , and therefore not to wear the cross might be mortifying him .


  25. A few days after the murder , the police had searched the house and had found the gold chain in Justine 's coat pocket.Everyone in the family knew that Justine had not murdered William .


  26. Finding it as impossible to touch her as to catch a humming-bird in the air , he took from his hat the gold chain that was twisted about it , and threw it to the child .


  27. Kanye West , dressed in a velvety red jumpsuit and a thin gold chain , was barely illuminated by a low spotlight as he sang " Only One , " his voice warped by electronics .


  28. I hated her because she was pretty.So I put the gold chain into one of her pockets , and then , before she could wake up , I ran away . I knew the police would think that she had killed the little boy .


  29. Elizabeth had let him wear a gold chain of hers round his neck.On the chain was a very small picture of your mother.We all think that someone murdered William to steal the gold chain.Poor Elizabeth is terribly unhappy at William 's death .


  30. Jewel walked beside him , saying nothing ; so there was no sound between them but the faint jingle of a rich gold chain that hung round the Unicorn 's neck and the noise of two feet and four hoofs .
